These monographs hope to encourage discussion and reflection on topics relevant to teachers, educational leaders working in Catholic schools, and members of the broader Catholic educational community. They are intended to ensure that professional practice and dialogue remain grounded in the distinctive perspective of our Catholic faith.
Click on the tabs below to find monographs in each series.
Sacraments and Children with Special Needs in Our Catholic Schools
» Accompanying Resource: Eco Placemats
Re-Imagining the Tasks for Catechesis: A Road Map for Missionary Discipleship» Accompanying Resource: Video
Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations (OCSGEs): A Framework for Curriculum Development Christian Meditation Well-Being from a Catholic Perspective: Addressing Mental Health Literacy Curriculum at the Heart of Young People (Series of 8 Monographs)Heart, Head and Hands: A Framework for Considering
The Hope in Our Hearts: Living Our Faith Every Day
Engaging Student Voice: Courage on the Journey
» Additional Resource: Leadership Placemat
Understanding and Cultivating Authentic Community
» Additional Resource: Framework for Reflecting on Authentic Community
*NEW* Responding to MAiD with the Joy of the Gospel of Life
*NEW* A Reflection on Human Trafficking for Catholic Education
Supporting Students who Identify as Transgender in Our Catholic Schools
Walking Forward Together: A Call to Action for the Catholic Church and Catholic Schools
Understanding Well-Being from a Catholic Perspective